Medical Center «Doktorpro Bratislava»
Ruzinovska 40
Mon-Fri: 8:00-20:00, Sat: 8:00-17:00, Sun: 9:00-13:00
Our advantages
0 1
24/7 patient support
0 2
Doctor's examination without a referral
0 3
64 499 calls for all time
0 4
Qualified staff
0 5
Minimally invasive treatment methods
0 6
We are open to patients 7 days a week
Treatment of Hemorrhoids and other Proctologic diseases using minimally invasive techniques.
Diagnosis and treatment of Cervix Uteri pathologies, inflammatory and non-inflammatory diseases.
Diagnosis and treatment of Dermatological Diseases. Removal of Skin Tumors.
Laboratory tests
Clinical blood and urine tests. Tests for hormones (iodothyronine, thyroglobulin, thyroxine).
Urologist examination. Treatment of inflammation of the genitourinary system: prostatitis, urethra, bladder.
Diagnosis and treatment of Scalp and Hair diseases. Mesotherapy. Abolition of dandruff and itch.
Ultrasonographic examination
Accurate ultrasound diagnosis of organs and systems. The latest models of ultrasound machines.
Effective treatment of gastrointestinal diseases. Nutritional counseling.
Rating on other resources
The prices for consultations are indicated in the price list. The cost of treatment is determined after consultation with the doctor. There are age restrictions.
Control examination
35 eur
33 eur
Control examination (clinical examination by a physician, differential diagnosis, therapy)
39 eur
37 eur
Dermatoscopy 1 element
15 eur
Payment in med. center
Dermatoscopy up to 5 elements
20 eur
Payment in med. center
Initial examination of adults/children
48 eur
46 eur
Initial examination of adults/children + full body dermatoscopy
100 eur
95 eur
Preventive full body dermatoscopy
70 eur
Payment in med. center
Control examination by a gastroenterologist
55 eur
52 eur
Initial examination by a gastroenterologist
55 eur
52 eur
Re-consultation with gastroenterologist online
29 eur
28 eur
Repeated consultation with a gastroenterologist
29 eur
28 eur
Vstupné gynekologické vyšetrenie s USG panvových orgánov žien (maternica, prívesky)
71 eur
67 eur
Initial examination by a gynecologist without ultrasound
49 eur
47 eur
Repeated consultation with a gynecologist
29 eur
28 eur
Repeated diagnostic examination by a gynecologist
49 eur
47 eur
Laboratory tests
17 - beta estradiol (E2)
21 eur
17-hydroxyprogesterone (17OHPRO)
32 eur
Activated thromboplast new time, APTT
7 eur
Activated thromboplastin time APTT
11 eur
Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)
22 eur
Alanine aminotransferase (ALT)
6 eur
Alkaline phosphatase (ALP)
6 eur
Alpha-fetoprotein (AFP)
10 eur
Amylase - pancreatic isoenzyme (AMS-p)
8 eur
Amylase in serum, in urine (AMS)
6 eur
Anti-casein IgG, IgA
46 eur
Anti-gliadin (native) IgG, IgA
35 eur
Anti-lactose IgG, IgA
44 eur
Anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH)
55 eur
Antithrombin III
33 eur
Antithyroglobulin (aTG) antibodies
39 eur
Antithyroid thyroperoxidase antibodies (aTRO)
39 eur
11 eur
Aspartate aminotransferase (AST)
6 eur
Bilirubin conjugated (BILK)
6 eur
Blood count with reticulocytes
11 eur
Blood group (ABO RH) without antibody screening
11 eur
Blood in the stool
27 eur
Blood tests: basic (KO+dif, CRP, urea, creatine, AST, ALP, ALT, GMT, chol, TAG)
72 eur
C-peptide (C-pep)
20 eur
C-reactive protein (CRP)
11 eur
CA 125
33 eur
CA 15-3
33 eur
CA 19-9
33 eur
CA 72-4
42 eur
Calcium in the serum, in the urine (Сa)
6 eur
53 eur
17 eur
Ceruloplasmin (Cpl)
17 eur
Chlamydia trachomatis - determination of IgA and IgG antibodies
33 eur
Chlorides in serum, in urine (CI)
6 eur
Cholinesterase (CHE)
6 eur
CMV - determination of IgG and IgM class antibodies
50 eur
Copper in the serum, in the urine (Cu)
18 eur
18 eur
Cortisol in urine
26 eur
Creatine kinase (CK)
6 eur
CYFRA 21-1
37 eur
Cystatin C
31 eur
28 eur
Ferritin (Ferrite)
11 eur
Ferum - binding capacity (BC-Fe)
6 eur
11 eur
Folic acid (Folate)
15 eur
Folliculotropic hormone (FSH)
11 eur
Free PSA
26 eur
Free testosterone (FTST)
44 eur
Gammaglutamyltransferase (GMT)
6 eur
Glucose in serum, in urine (GLU)
6 eur
Glycated haemoglobin % (HbA1c)
29 eur
Growth hormone (GH)
27 eur
H.pilori from stool
22 eur
Haptoglobin (Hp)
9 eur
HAV - IgG (total) determination of IgG/total antibodies against hepatitis A virus
18 eur
HBV - anti HBc IgM determination of IgM class antibodies against hepatitis B virus core C antigen
46 eur
HBV - anti HBs - determination of antibodies to the hepatitis B virus surface S antigen
27 eur
HBV-HBeAg determination of hepatitis B virus E antigen
72 eur
HBV-HBsAg-determination of hepatitis B virus surface S antigen
20 eur
HCG (pregnancy)
27 eur
HCV-antibody determination against hepatitis C virus
23 eur
HDL cholesterol (HDL)
6 eur
44 eur
Helicobacter pylori - quatitative determination of IgG antibodies
18 eur
High-sensitivity cardiac troponin T (hs cTnT)
45 eur
HIV - determination of antibodies and p24 antigen (S_anti-HIV 1/2+p24 Ag(CMIA))
20 eur
Homocysteine (HCY)
31 eur
HSV-1 and HSV-2 - determination of IgG and IgM class antibodies
68 eur
Immunoglobulin A (IgA)
6 eur
Immunoglobulin E (IgE)
11 eur
Immunoglobulin G (IgG)
6 eur
Immunoglobulin M (IgM)
6 eur
Insulin (Ins)
18 eur
Lactate dehydrogenase (LD)
6 eur
LDL cholesterol (LDL)
6 eur
Lipase (LPS)
8 eur
Luteotropic hormone (LH)
11 eur
Magnesium in serum, in urine (Mg)
6 eur
Phosphorus in serum, in urine (P)
6 eur
Potassium in blood serum, urine (K)
6 eur
Procalcitonin (PCT)
55 eur
Progesterone (PROG)
11 eur
Prolactin (PRL)
11 eur
Prothrombin time (Quick) INR
11 eur
27 eur
49 eur
Rheumatoid factor (RF)
8 eur
Salivary cortisol
46 eur
Serum albumin (ALB)
6 eur
18 eur
Sodium in the serum, in the urine (Na)
6 eur
Testesterone (TST)
13 eur
Thrombin time
11 eur
Thyroglobulin (TG)
17 eur
Thyrotropic hormone (TSH)
17 eur
Total cholesterol (CHOL)
6 eur
Total protein in serum (TP)
6 eur
Transferrin (Trf)
8 eur
Treponema pallidum - determination of antibodies in syphilis
18 eur
Triacylglycerols (TAGs)
6 eur
Triiodothyronine free (fT3)
11 eur
TSH receptor antibodies (aTSHr)
35 eur
Tyroxine free (ft4)
11 eur
Urea in serum, in urine (UREA)
6 eur
Uric acid in serum, in urine (UI)
6 eur
Vitamin B12 (B12)
11 eur
Vitamin D3
33 eur
Vitamins B1 and B6
66 eur
Yersinia enterocolitica - determination of IgA and IgG class antibodies
22 eur
Zinc in serum, in urine (Zn)
19 eur
Dilatácia konečníka (1 vykon)
50 eur
Payment in med. center
Opakované diagnostické vyšetrenie u proktológa
59 eur
56 eur
Initial examination by a proctologist
59 eur
56 eur
Repeated consultation with a proctologist without prescribed treatment
49 eur
47 eur
Control examination of adults/children with trichoscopy
70 eur
67 eur
Initial examination of adults/children
65 eur
62 eur
Initial examination of adults/children with trichoscopy
80 eur
76 eur
Ultrasonographic examination
Vstupné gynekologické vyšetrenie s USG panvových orgánov žien (maternica, prívesky)
71 eur
67 eur
Abdominal aorta ultrasound
62 eur
59 eur
Abdominal ultrasound (liver, gallbladder, pancreas, spleen + kidneys) with examination of portal blood flow
53 eur
50 eur
Adrenal glands ultrasound
42 eur
40 eur
Arterial Doppler of the upper or lower extremities (two)
62 eur
59 eur
Breast ultrasound (examines the entire breast with surrounding structures)
41 eur
39 eur
Complex ultrasound of the thyroid, salivary glands and peripheral lymph nodes
62 eur
59 eur
Female pelvic ultrasound (uterus, appendages)
33 eur
31 eur
Kidney ultrasound
41 eur
39 eur
Pleural ultrasound
41 eur
39 eur
Salivary gland ultrasound
43 eur
41 eur
Testicular ultrasound
42 eur
40 eur
Thyroid ultrasound
42 eur
40 eur
Transabdominal female pelvic ultrasound with Doppler
43 eur
41 eur
Transabdominal male pelvic ultrasound (prostate, bladder) with Doppler
62 eur
59 eur
Ultrasound of carotid arteries and large cerebral vessels of the neck with Doppler
62 eur
59 eur
Ultrasound of superficial soft tissue masses and peripheral lymph nodes (1 area)
43 eur
41 eur
Urinary ultrasound (kidneys, bladder)
41 eur
39 eur
Venous Doppler of the upper or lower extremities (one)
41 eur
39 eur
Venous Doppler of the upper or lower extremities (two)
62 eur
59 eur
Initial examination by a urologist for women, including ultrasound
68 eur
65 eur
Initial examination by a urologist, including ultrasound
68 eur
65 eur
Repeated examination by a urologist
35 eur
33 eur
Repeated examination by a urologist for women
35 eur
33 eur
Doktorpro in Bratislava
Medical Center Doktorpro in Bratislava is the first specialized center for solving problems in the field of proctology. Modern methods of diagnosis and painless outpatient treatment without the need for surgery - these are the main reasons to visit Doktropro.
Qualified medical care will help you forget about hemorrhoids, anal fissures and other diseases of the rectum.