Yevhenii Repryntsev
Yevhenii Repryntsev
Dr. Repryntsev is a young and talented doctor with a helpful approach to his patients. He is proficient in modern methods of treatment of urological problems and regularly participates in regional and international conferences. He offers professional medical care and humanity to his patients.
The cost of a urologist consultation in Bratislava
The prices for consultations are indicated in the price list. The cost of treatment is determined after consultation with the doctor. There are age restrictions.
Initial examination by a urologist, including ultrasound
60 eur
57 eur
Initial examination by a urologist for women, including ultrasound
60 eur
57 eur
Repeated examination by a urologist
25 eur
24 eur
Repeated examination by a urologist for women
25 eur
24 eur
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Ruzinovska 40
Mon-Fri: 8:00-20:00, Sat: 8:00-17:00, Sun: 9:00-13:00