Quality control

Responses and solutions for taking measures (compliance of provided services with quality standards) are managed by the central manager of the Doktorpro network.

Suggestions that require further additions are answered within 5 working days. If a longer period is needed to prepare a response, the applicant is informed by e-mail.

The e-mail of the Doktorpro medical centers quality control service [email protected] works (with the exception of public holidays and weekends) in the following hours: Mon-Fri from 10:00 to 17:00. Break from 13:00 to 14:00.

In order for us to process your complaint quickly and efficiently, please provide the quality control service specialist with the following information:

  • the city where you turned to the Doktorpro medical center
  • your name and surname (information when registering your health card)
  • department
  • medical card number 
  • your telephone contact for feedback
  • comment.

You can also use the contact form on our website. In this case, you will be contacted by a quality control specialist to find out the details of the complaint. He will contact you during the working day, or the next working day if the request was received after 17:00, or over the weekend.

Your opinion is important to us!

Leave your feedback:

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