Dermatitis is a large group of diseases caused by an allergic reaction of the skin to the effects of various environmental factors.
Factors provoking the dermatitis development can be of chemical, physical or biological origin.
Causes of dermatitis development
Dermatitis is a fairly common skin disorder that usually results from allergic reaction in the body. Various factors can affect the dermatitis development, including medicines and foods that can provoke skin redness and itching.
Most often, dermatitis occurs after skin contact with various chemicals, including cosmetics, which often contain toxins.
In addition to chemicals, the sun rays or inhaled pollen can cause dermatitis too, which also leads to allergic skin rashes.
Dermatitis has acute inflammatory nature, but at the initial stage it manifests itself as a common redness of skin. If the action of the allergen continues, then the affected skin begins to itch and scratch, blister and swell.
What happens if dermatitis is not untreated
If dermatitis appears on the skin and no urgent measures were taken, then against the background of the continuing body intoxication, the bubbles on the skin will burst, forming bleeding ulcers with suppuration, which are very difficult to heal. Depending on the type of disease, dermatitis can affect various areas of the body, including the arms, legs, trunk, face, and even the scalp.
Dermatitis treatment methods
The complex treatment of dermatitis includes prescription antihistamines, anti-inflammatory and glucocorticoid drugs. An integral part of dermatitis treatment is special dermatocosmetics, adjustment of the daily regimen, diet and examinations by a dermatologist.
“Doktorpro Bratislava” offers the specialists in the field of dermatology. Our dermatologists have the necessary knowledge and many years of experience in the treatment of dermatological diseases. To make appointment for a consultation by dermatologist, fill out the appointment form or call the number indicated on the website.
Название | Цена |
Control examination | 35 eur |
Control examination (clinical examination by a physician, differential diagnosis, therapy) | 39 eur |
Dermatoscopy 1 element | 15 eur |
Dermatoscopy up to 5 elements | 20 eur |
Initial examination of adults/children | 48 eur |
Initial examination of adults/children + full body dermatoscopy | 100 eur |
Preventive full body dermatoscopy | 70 eur |