Hair mesotherapy in Bratislava

Hair mesotherapy in Bratislava: prices — from 62 eur.

Mesotherapy for hair is an injection technique used today in trichology for the treatment and prevention of diseases of the scalp and hair. During the procedure, medications are used that enhance hair growth, provide it with the necessary nutrients, strengthen the hair follicles and the walls of the scalp vessels.

Indications for hair mesotherapy

One of the most popular and effective techniques for treating hair and scalp in trichology is mesotherapy. It is used both as a method of monotherapy and as a component of complex treatment, since the ampoules for mesotherapy include vitamin cocktails, plant phytoestrogens, blockers of dihydrotestosterone (testosterone precursor that promotes alopecia).

Indications for hair mesotherapy are:

  • dysfunction of the sebaceous glands of scalp (seborrhea);
  • presence of dandruff;
  • hair loss (alopecia);
  • premature loss of hair pigment (gray hair);
  • deterioration of hair quality (brittleness, loss of shine and split ends), etc.

What is the difference between hair plasma-lifting and mesotherapy?

During mesotherapy, pharmacy drugs are used, and during plasma lifting, drugs are injected from the patient’s venous blood.

The hair plasmolifting drug consists of blood plasma enriched with platelets, which stimulate the renewal of epidermis (skin and hair cells). Accumulating directly around the hair follicles, platelets direct the hair growth factor to the desired area and activate hair growth.

The selection of the treatment method (hair plasmolifting or mesotherapy) is carried out by the doctor, depending on the type of disorder and the purpose of the procedure. Often, both procedures are prescribed for maximum efficiency.

Preparation for hair mesotherapy

Before undergoing a treatment course, the patient should be consulted by a trichologist. The doctor determines the state of his/her health, asks about the well-being, collects information on the diseases the patient has suffered and diagnoses, and excludes possible contraindications. The doctor also diagnoses the condition of hair and scalp to determine the list of disorders that need to be corrected. The trichologist selects individual complex of drugs for mesotherapy for hair loss and makes an allergic test for their tolerance by the patient.

To make appointment for a trichologist’s consultation or a course of mesotherapy hair treatment at “DoctorPRO Bratislava”, leave a request on the website or call us at the specified phone number.

Ievheniia Tretiak
Ievheniia Tretiak
Doctor of department of trichology
Book your appointment 24/7!

The cost of doctor trichologist appointments in Bratislava

The prices for consultations are indicated in the price list. The cost of treatment is determined after consultation with the doctor. There are age restrictions.
Control examination of adults/children with trichoscopy
70 eur / 67 eur
Initial examination of adults/children
65 eur / 62 eur
Initial examination of adults/children with trichoscopy
80 eur / 76 eur

Physicians of trichology department of Doktorpro Bratislava

Available at medical centers

Ruzinovska 40
Mon-Fri: 8:00-20:00, Sat: 8:00-17:00, Sun: 9:00-13:00
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